Friday 5 October 2012

The Free creative fashion show 2012

The theme for the free creative fashion show 2012 was TRIBAL MANIA.
NMMU's first year and second year Fashion design students and second year and third year Textile design students showcased their designs from tribes they had chosen.

First year designs:
Second year designs
Second year Textiles
Third year Textiles
this was my favourite
B.E (beautiful enlightenment)
Stay KILLaFLY!!!

And all that jazz

Last year all my work were inspired by 1920s jazz music. The colours, simplicity and the groove of jazz. As textile students our work included fashiom, ceramic and interior (furniture).
This is some of my work:
the wallpaper, hat, dress and shoes were all part of the Jazzy look
table cloth, serviettes and a ceramic plate.
used cutlery because of the sound they make.
price negotiable
B.E (beautiful enlightenment)
Stay KILLaFLY!!!